
Caution: Mortgage Rates Have Already Gone Down .05-.075%

Mortgage rates are on the decline and to the average home buyer, this means one thing, more buying power. Example: If you qualified for a $250,000 home last year, you may now qualify for a significantly higher priced home but with the same payment.

How can that be? Well...when mortgage rates go down, it doesn't mean home prices go down. In fact, its the opposite. When mortgage interest rates decline, it means home buyers qualify for a higher priced home.

So, if you're thinking about buying a home but have no clue what price range you can qualify for, simply enter your information below and we will give you an estimate of what you're able to qualify for.

We won't pull your credit and we don't verify your liabilities or income. There is no damage done to your credit or your ability to purchase a home. We simply guide you on what you can afford here in the Dallas-Fort Worth real estate market.

Simply fill out the information below and one of our licensed loan specialists call you and go over your options. This service is free and there's no obligation on your end whatsoever.*State%20w*jpg?alt=media&token=10310e0d-8d28-4e59-a086-60c037188fc9